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What are the best non toxic dog toys?
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What are the best non toxic dog toys?

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-02-17      Origin: Site

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Typically, the best, most non-toxic dog toys are those made from natural, organic materials, rather than from highly-processed, chemically treated alternatives. These include:

Hemp plant fibre.

This makes a good material for dog toys for several reasons. Firstly, it’s completely safe for your dog to chew on – clearly, this is the most important factor. Beyond this, however, it’s also resistant to mould, mildew and is easily cleaned. It’s also a very tough plant fibre, making it ideal for chew toys like knotted rope toys.

Food-grade silicone.

This is another great option for dog chew toys, thanks to its non-toxic composition, machine washability and cost-effectiveness. Medical-grade silicone is also another good alternative. Another option that’s similar to silicone is TPR (Thermoplastic Rubber) which is recyclable, pliable, and again, can be easily cleaned.

Rice husk and natural rubber.

One of the best material combinations in terms of non-toxicity, dog toys made from rice husk and natural rubber are completely natural and free-from harsh chemicals, and are safe if for whatever reason they get ingested.

Olive wood.

If your dog loves to fetch sticks and gnaw at your table legs, then a bone made from sustainably-sourced and treated wood such as olive wood is a good idea. These bones don’t splinter, and olive wood is naturally harder than many other woods, making these bones incredibly durable. They also often look nicer than plastic alternatives, too.


Another great natural material like olive wood, bamboo has gained great popularity as a material in recent times, thanks to its green credentials. Bamboo, for instance, grows thirty times quicker than other trees, and absorbs a scarcely believable thirty-five times more carbon dioxide.

Recycled plastics.

If you’re keen on getting a plastic dog toy for your pup, then we’d always encourage getting one made from recycled plastics rather than virgin plastic. This way, you’re not introducing any new plastics into the production ecosystem. Just make sure any recycled plastic products you purchase are still free from the toxins we’ve listed above.

The easiest way to identify whether a dog toy contains toxic materials or not is to check the packaging or label. If it contains any of the toxic materials listed above, we’d advise you look for a different dog toy.

What’s more, most dog toy companies that manufacture their dog toys from non-toxic materials, and in a sustainable fashion, will say so. In other words, you’re not just looking for an absence of toxic materials, necessarily, you’re looking for the promotion of healthier methods and materials.

Final Thoughts…

When it comes to keeping your dog happy and healthy, it takes more than just the food you feed him/her. Giving your dog safe, non-toxic toys isn’t only better for your dog, it’s typically better for the environment, too, due to the manufacturing methods used.

As a rule, we’d suggest always going for naturally-based dog toys, the kinds made from plant-based fibres and woods. Failing that, if you are going to use a plastic-based product, make sure it’s recycled!



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